Search, Draft, File
A patent gives the holder an exclusive right to manufacture, sell, and import a device or use a method in a given region.
We write, edit, and submit patents, search prior art, correspond with patent offices worldwide, and perform a host of other associated services.
Copyrights give the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it for a limited time.
We can help you determine fair use of copyrighted work ('Can I use this youtube clip??') and make sure your copyright is protected.
©️ I wrote this! ©️
A trademark is a name, design or expression used to identify products or services.
We trademark names and symbols in the US. Israel and worldwide.
®️ ™️ ℠
A trademark is a name, design or expression used to identify products or services.
We trademark names and symbols in the US. Israel and worldwide.
We have extensive experience in preparing grant applications and presentations for obtaining financing from the governmental Office of the Chief Scientist, other institutional investors, angels and further sources that come to us looking for promising startups
Measure twice, cut once
Using analytic and computational tools we can perform simulations of relatively complex systems, including those having interactions between elements requiring a 'multiphysics' approach (e.g. temperature changes electrical conductivity which changes electrical current which changes temperature).
With 3d printers, metalworking shop, solid modeling experts and a PCB designer, we can rapidly produce models.
1 prototype = 1000 pictures!