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US patent

We write, submit and shepherd patent applications through the entire process, in Israel, the EU, and worldwide through our extensive network of associates.  We execute searches, write and edit patent applications, draft figures in house, write responses to patent office objections, and perform a host of other associated services. We have a full house of experts specialized in drafting, drawing, simulation, and analyses from technical and business standpoints. We maintain relationships with associates in patent offices around the world for local submissions where required.


Novelty is one of the three formal requirements for patentability. Thus, a prior art search is prudent to help determine whether your idea is novel, and if so, what exactly the invention should include. The cost of the prior art will be deducted from the patent if you decide to continue with us.


From a written or verbal description of your invention (in whatever language is most comfortable) we can draft your patent such that it is valid for submission at any stage.  We do suggest that inventors (especially first-time inventors) fill out our checklist, which can help focus one's invention. We can draft the figures if they are lacking, and do the background research necessary to create a fully claimed patent that is your best representation before the patent office to protect your invention. The patent application may then be submitted and defended in Israel and worldwide.



A patentability analysis attempts to determine the likelihood of acceptance for a given application, by analyzing differences between the prior art and the application, previous behavior of the patent office in question, the crowdedness of the field and other factors.


A freedom-to-operate analysis attempts to answer whether one can operate a method or device given the existing patents that may need to be licensed to do so.  For example, if your new device requires a certain off-the-shelf subcomponent, this subcomponent itself may be patented. A freedom-to-operate analysis attempts to determine which such subcomponents are patented, and whether the patents are in force in the region in which you wish to practice the patent.


Based on the size of the field, the patent situation in the field, we can provide detailed analyses of a given patent or application from technical and business standpoints, either to the patent holder or potential investors.


Which ideas should be patented? How should the applications be drafted and prosecuted? When and where should they be filed? A successful patent strategy provides systematic answers to these questions, and it should follow the company’s R&D strategy which in turn should follow its overall business strategy. A patent grants the right to exclude others from exploiting the patented system or method. If you choose, you can allow others to use your invention through a licensing agreement.
Patents are not only useful as ״weapons״ to prevent others from using your ideas without license, but are also helpful to demonstrate the value of your business. The benefits of these aspects must be weighed against the financial aspects of obtaining and maintaining your patent portfolio.


The life of a patent has only just begun when the first application is submitted. At later stages, various patent examiners will read your application and come up with  objections on grounds of lack of novelty or obviousness. These objections must be met by reasoned counter-arguments. These arguments are subject to a host of rules and regulations and the arguments themselves can be quite involved. We have years of experience in presenting such arguments and can work with you to generate the best case for acceptance of your application. We maintain relationships with associates in patents offices around the world for countries where local agents are required for submission and prosecution.


Our in-house 3D design experts can generate designs from sketches and produce 3d-printed devices from these drawings.  Wireframe, cutaway, Xray and other views most suited to clearly illustrate a device's critical parts are produced as part of the patent drafting process.

  • intellectual property attorney

  • patent attorney

  • עורך פטנטים

  • i have an idea for an invention

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